Tuesday 21 June 2011

Tips to Better Senior Sex

Aging should not hinder older adults and seniors from having an active and satisfying sex life. Contrary to what most people believe, sex is not just for young couples. Everyone desires to feel loved and receive affection. In fact, a lot of seniors continue to be sexually active even after 80 years old.
According to recent studies, more and more seniors have reported an improved sex life as they age. While the body may not be as limber as it used to be, there are still a lot of ways you can have a fulfilling and enjoyable sex life. One must pay close attention and learn how to adapt to the changing needs of your body in order to make senior sex a little more pleasurable.
Here are some tips to make senior sex more enjoyable and satisfying:
Do not rush it. Take your time
Our body changes as we age. Seniors who want to continue to be sexually active need to learn how to adapt to these changes. When it comes to becoming aroused, it still pays to be patient and to take your time. It is important to allow yourself and your partner to build the excitement. Snuggling, hugging, kissing, massaging, and caressing will help you set the mood. Remember not to rush it. Take time to create a romantic ambiance and allocate more time -lots of time for foreplay in order to make sexual intercourse more pleasurable. Remember, if you want to enjoy and be satisfied, do it nice and s-l-o-w.
Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.
Communication is key. The more you talk to one another, the easier it is for your partner to know your feelings, expectations and desires. Tell him or her what makes you feel good in order to make sex more satisfying and enjoyable. Your partner wants to please you as well, so he or she will listen to what you like. In most cases, talking about sex and foreplay can make you feel sexy and easily turned on. So speak up, don't be shy. Be direct.
Explore and be creative
Spice it up a notch by exploring more options that can help give you more pleasure like engaging in oral sex, masturbation, using sex toys and finding new intercourse positions. Be creative and experiment with different positions until you find the ones that will please you and your partner.
Learn to adjust
Because of the aging process, having sex can be challenging. This is due to all the physical, mental and emotional changes you go through. However, learning how to adapt to these changes will help make senior sex not only easier but also more enjoyable.
Age-related changes are different for men and women. For senior men, erectile dysfunction may be a problem because of the decrease in hormone levels. If this is an issue, talk to your physician about erectile dysfunction or other erection problems to get advice and treatment. If medication is prescribed, it is important to ask about possible side effects that may affect not only your sexual relationship, but your body as well.
For senior women, vaginal dryness may be an issue. If this is the case, don't worry. There is a wide-variety of over-the-counter water-based lubricants available for purchase, including those with different scents, flavors, colors, etc. Lubricants will help relieve vaginal dryness to make sexual intercourse more comfortable and pleasurable.